JAM led by Kirstie Simson

Kirstie will lead a gentle warm up and then guide us into moving with the music – exploring the space with freedom, play, presence and awareness.

This contact jam is not a taught class, but a space for individual and collective expression and creativity. Families are welcome, but due to the free-flowing nature of the movement, we would ask that parents keep close watch over their young people, to avoid any collisions or calamities.

When and Where

Sun 26 May, 10am – 12pm

Venue: The Universal Hall
The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn, IV36 3TZ

No experience necessary.

You are invited to Pay What You Can for this session, according to your means, within the price range suggested below:

£5 -10

Select the price that feels right for you on the booking page by clicking the BOOK button below.