Movers & Makers: Screendance Salon & Cinema

6 April | CCA, Glasgow
7 April | Out of the Blue, Edinburgh
Screendance Salon (6-7.30pm) £5.00
A workshop for professionals interested in creating dance works for screen. Join artists and filmmakers involved in Scotland’s growing screendance community. Share your ideas, work-in-progress or completed films and take part in peer-to-peer discussions led by Independent Dance Co-Director, and renowned curator and programmer, Gitta Wigro. To submit a work, please email

Screendance Cinema (8-9.30pm) £5.00 – free for Salon attendees
A screendance cinema curated by Gitta Wigro featuring internationally significant and single screen works. Currently Co-Director of Independent Dance, London, Gitta has curated many international film festivals, including Video Dance Italy, Movement on Screen and VideoDanza,  as well as working in artist development for over 15 years. The evening will finish with a post event discussion and a chance to meet the curator.